Tweets from 2008-06-15:

  • @logickal chimneys are great but I think the electric starters can’t be beat. #
  • Comcast has exactly 1 minute to show up. #
  • @comcastcares What should I do now that my technician has missed his appointment window? #
  • Okay, so now Comcast is going to be here sometime before 7PM(!) Way to ruin my plans for the day. #

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Tweets from 2008-06-13:

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Tweets from 2008-06-08:

  • man, o man, say what you will about twitter downtime but I’ve got 4 days worht of unread tweets, and I’m wondering what *i’ve* been doing. #
  • SVN is the new Twitter. #
  • @lrw wow that’s awesome — for the link, and good on ya britta & bray! #
  • @DericHorn Dude, I hope you can hold your liquor. #
  • RE: Thought experiment: If she did win, should Obama’s supporters vote for? (Not McCain, I hope) #
  • @logickal Gov’ school gives college credit now? Wow, that’s nice. #

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