I Say Today is My Birthday.

Peter Luger YummyYup. 27 today. Ryan and Mikey took me to Peter Luger for an amazing steak dinner last night. Mmmm. It was good. New desk lamp from tania — I’ve been needing one! Bought a new coat from this vintage store on Bedford. It’s this really cool striped jobber — it’s like what the guys on the airport runway wear. In fact, I think it is exactly that. Quite warm, and much needed. Yay!

Merry X-mas

Snow Day

Happy holidays to everyone. Finished all my holiday shopping yesterday — almost all at Amazon.com. What a breeze that was. The hardest part was that when I initially placed the order it wouldn’t go through; I kept getting a weird error message and was sent back to Amazon’s homepage. I called their customer support # (which isn’t listed anywhere on their site, btw. For future reference: 1-800-201-7575), but they weren’t too helpful. They just told me it was a problem with their web site and to try back in a couple of hours.
Two hours later it still didn’t work, so I decided to troubleshoot. Turns out that two of the items on my list were not being sold by Amazon.com, but by one of their retail partners. I removed those items from my shopping cart and I was able to place the rest of the order without a hitch. I then placed those two items as separate orders and they also went through. Odd, but still much easier than trekking around the city, standing in line, going to the post office to mail stuff. Oy.
I should start packing — Tania and I are on our way to L.A. to visit her family for christmas tomorrow morning at 6am. We’re going to spend christmas day in Monterey, actually. It’s my first time to either location, and I’m looking forward to it — although two warm x-mases in a row is a bit odd (last year in hawaii). I’m not complaining though!
So happy holidays to everyone, and until next year…

Why Friendster Sucks

Something I’ve been meaning to post for a while:

I’ve had some problems with the whole Friendster thing — I signed up, but I feel like it’s a fad that isn’t going to last very long… here’s something I read at Marc’s Voice calling into question the whole methodology of friendster:

A is my sister. B is me. C is my meth dealer. D is his “debt collector.” My relationship with my sister includes her trusting me not to introduce her to known criminals. Any service that proposes to remove me from deciding which introductions to broker doesn’t get my business.

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