We’ve Completed The Big Move, to our lovely new apartment. The amazing thing is how spacious it feels even after all our crap was moved in.
I just set up my computer, and my desk is now stained a lovely pecan color, which is nice. Still a lot of work to do, but the biggest drag right now is the fact that my high-speed internet connection is, well, nonexistant. I’m connecting right now through my cell phone, which is slow as BM, but it works. Dial up speeds (slower, really), welcome back! Time warner says February 24 (9 days and counting) before they can set it up, but I’m hoping I can get some strings pulled with some people I know.
Anyway, I’ll post pictures soon…
Congrats on the new digs. Looks cozy. Thanks for tuning in last week for the radio show. It was pretty retarded, but hey…what are ya gonna do? Tell Tania I said “what up?”.