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saturday, may 12
Samba de Amigo Back in the day we had this party, see, it was a Samba De Amigo party, with maracas all stinkin' up the joint. You wants to check it? Don't wreck it: Broadband video (2.0MB) Word up to my man Chris Shade.
friday, may 11
Big Brother 2 JDogg just finished his application to Big Brother 2 and made it in under the wire. If you want to watch the video portion of the application click one of the folowing links: high bandwidth (3.8MB) low bandwidth (900k)
sunday, may 6
Takin Ova in the 2G+1 Don't even be frontin', cuz the Icy Hot Stuntaz the rap STAR you wanna drool about. Straight Ballin'.